
Homemade Tomato Soup

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So, I try to have “meatless” night once a week.  When we would have grilled cheese, I always got a can of condensed tomato soup for my hubby to dip his sandwich in.  I didn’t care for the soup all that much.  Then, someone introduced us to this recipe.  Now, the entire family dips grilled cheese sandwiches in this delicious soup!  We love it.

**I haven’t tried freezing it yet.**


Butternut Squash Soup

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We started making this soup last fall when we had over 20 butternut squash growing voluntarily in our garden!  I say voluntarily because the butternut squash we threw out the year before in our compost bin starting growing out of the compost bin!  We had only tried this veggie once or twice so we had to figure out what to make with it.  This soup is meatless and full of veggies.  My husband thinks it needs some seasonings/spices, but I’m not an adventurous cook and I’m not sure what would go with the flavors.  We top it with salt and cheddar cheese because the potato flavor in this is strong.  Since we like cheese on potato soup, too, it just seems to go with this!  The soup freezes great and reheats well.

